last modification: 2016-10-14
curriculum vitae
DNA electrophoresis:
Pre-amplified DNA is separated and visualized on a self-casted agarose gel.
Protein crystals of insulin:
Insulin is a essential hormone of our metabolism.
Crystallized thaumatin:
Thaumatin is a natural sweetener. It's up to 3000 times sweeter than sugar.
X-ray diffraction pattern of protein crystals:
Diffraction of highly brilliant synchrotron radiation on protein crystals is used to solve the 3D-structures of former crystallized proteins.
Nanoscale droplet arrays on glas:
Droplet-based protein or DNA arrays help to get insights into expression levels of a certain tissue sample.
Volume gradient array on transparent polymers:
Modern technology allows precise structering of liquids down to the low pl-range.
Raster electron microscopy of
Aspergillus niger
A. niger
is a well known, black mold fungus producing a couple of mycotoxines.
Close up raster electron image of
A. niger
A single sporangia of a
A. niger
sample is magnified by more detailed scanning.
Protein electron density map during structure determination:
Atomic structures of proteins are solved from X-ray diffraction data obtained from protein crystals.
Random mutagenesis for functional analysis of a protein:
A DNA sequence or gene encoding a protein of interest is modified by a error prone PCR protocol. Effects of certain mutations analysed by sequencing is coupled to the expression of another, fluorescent protein.
Raster electron microscopy of
Penecillium chrysogenum
Everybody knows penecillin,the first antibiotic extracted from
P. chrysogenum
by A. Flemming.
Light microscopy of
Lactobacillus brevis
L. brevis
is a none pathogen lactic acid bacteria of 2-9 µm in length.
Liht microscopy of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The beer & bread yeast.
S. cerevisiae
is probably the most and longest used microorganism in biotechnology production.
Protein crystalliaztion in a micro-droplet:
Precise handling of tiny volumes allowes for the development of new applications and massively scale-up.